Sunday, May 13, 2012


Before getting into my blogging, I would like to introduce myself! My name is Abby and I have been a crabber for three years. I am enjoying the expierience very much!

I began my crabbing with a small five gallon aquarium with neon gravel, a food and water dish, and one crab, Mambo, who I still am caring for today. I cringe today at the thought that poor Mambo was suffering in this terrible inadequate crabitat

After about two weeks of having this small tank, I decided to pull a 10 gallon out of my garage, and improve my hermit crabs tank. I added sand, a wood hut, and a fake plant. I then added three more crabs to give Mambo some company.

I began getting frustrated at the fact that my hermit crabs were never out and exploring their home. I went online and began some research. I realized that hermit crabs needed between 70-80% humidity, and that if it wasnt the crabs were suffocating. I went into my ten gallon and peered into the wood hut, seeing my three crabs huddled together. The guilt began sinking in that this was not a correct set up.

I went into my basement, and got a jar, filled it up with de-chlorinated water, and threw in an airstone connected to an air pump. I covered half of my crabitat with a towel, and within about two hours, the humidity was rising up, slowly but surely. This was where my crabbing adventure began.

Everday I was reading article upon article learning more and more about this interesting species. It turned out they werent just an "Easy" pet.

Soon enough, I free-cycled a 55 gallon long tank, and housed about 15 hermit crabs. My crabbing had finally turned into a sucess. All of my hermit crabs were active, which made me happier than ever. After about a year, I decided it was time for an upgrade. I went to the store and purchased a 75 gallon aquarium.

This is where my crabs reside now, happy and active. I hope that my blog can inform beginning crabbers, and also entertain expierienced crabbers. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy Crabby Abby's Hermit Crab Blog :)

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